• Image of Moment In The Sun
  • Image of Moment In The Sun
  • Image of Moment In The Sun

Paperback Novel & Acoustic CD Soundtrack

An Inspirational True Story ~ A recent college graduate moves from Ohio to California on a bicycle with just $600 and a guitar.

After graduating from college, Riley's parents began pressuring him to take over the family fudge shop. Weighing out the menial options of an indept twenty-something, he still doesn't want it. Instead, Riley Holiday bought a used bicycle and embarked on a solo cross-country trip from Ohio to California. Lacking a credit card and a cell phone, he lived on $600 and a guitar to earn food money, while sleeping in homeless shelters, youth hostels, town parks and anywhere he could find to pitch his tent. Meanwhile, his five-week 2,361 mile journey led him ever closer to his soul mate.